Why should i use thehiredresume.com for my new resume?

We offer 1) highly personalized service, 2) some of the best resume writers in the U.S., 3) an extremely efficient process that minimizes your time and headaches, 4) a forward-looking grasp of technology and social media, and 5) lower prices than other high-quality services. 

Why does a professional resume rewrite cost so much?

To be done well, resume writing requires 1) highly specialized skills and experience, and 2) a lot of hours. Resume factories can charge very little for a resume because they're using entry-level, low-cost writers and they limit them to a couple hours per resume. If you want to stand out, you need a writer with the ability and time to identify, grasp, and present those things that make you unique and "sell-able." 

What work is required of me?

We encourage (but don't require) clients to complete a worksheet that helps to identify and flesh out relevant skills, job descriptions, and achievements. While this step does take time to do well, the worksheet makes things as easy as possible and is very effective at helping you understand your unique selling points -- which in turn helps with interviews and career advancement. Clients often tell us how much they get out of this "pre-resume" process. After the worksheet is complete, your writer may interview you by phone to dig into the details further. Beyond this, your only job is to provide feedback on your new resume and/or cover letter. 

Can I speak with my writer by phone?

Yes. All customers get phone interview with their writer, which typically takes 20 minutes. Our writers will use this call to learn more about your skills, experience, and career goals. 

How long will it take to get my resume?

We strive to finalize a client's resume and cover letter within 3-5 business days from the time you return our resume information worksheet.

Do you offer a guarantee that I will get a job?

We will create the best resume possible for you, but we can't guarantee you a job. Any resume service that does is just using a marketing gimmick. Resumes are a critical piece of the job search puzzle, but there are too many other factors involved for us to be able to make job offer guarantees.